Cockfield C of E Primary School

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Oak class

Miss Perkins teaches Year 1/2

Supported by teaching assistant Mrs King.

In SPaG Year 2 have been learning about contractions – click this link to play a game at home to support their learning in school:

Year 1s have been learning about time in maths. We have been practising days of the week and months of the year. Click here to practise days of the week in order: (there is an  advert for 15 seconds before the game appears) 

Year 1 – scan this and play a tell the time game to help you work on o’clock and half past.

Oak Class really enjoyed their trip to the zoo this week. We sketched animals, learned loads of new facts and took part in a workshop all  about animal habitats.

We will use what we learned at the zoo to continue our learning about habitats and why animals are well suited to their homes.
The children were so brilliantly behaved – we were really proud of them!