Statement of Intent
Nestled in the heart of rural Suffolk, surrounded by countryside, Cockfield is the perfect place to begin learning about the world around us. With a wealth of fieldwork possibilities on our doorstep, learning outdoors is at the core of our Geography curriculum.
Geography learning at Cockfield CEVC Primary School aims to develop children’s understanding about the world around them, from the local to the global. Our aim is to provide children with engaging and stimulation experiences in geographical learning which will help them understand world and how they fit into it. Through teaching geography, we hope to ignite in our children their natural curiosity about the world and its’ infinite diversity through the places they might one day visit and the people they may meet. In addition to this to develop a clear understanding of the key physical and human processes. As they move through school, children will encounter a wide range of topics, carefully sequenced to develop their understanding of their local area and how that fits in with the wider world. Alongside this is a series of locality studies which will help them develop awareness and respect for places around the world. As we continue to develop our Geography curriculum, we will look for opportunities to link with places around the world to develop a deeper awareness of life for children in different locations.