Statement of Intent
At Cockfield Primary School we intend to provide a high-quality Maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. Using the mastery approach our curriculum will be accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. By using the mastery approach we build on skills year-on year giving the children the opportunity to make rich connections across mathematical ideas. Pupils have the freedom to creatively develop fluency and mathematical reasoning in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. This will include using maths in other areas of the curriculum such as the use of data in Science and patterns in Music.
Pupils will be exposed to, and use, mathematical vocabulary at all stages of learning in order to embed their understanding. Throughout their mathematical journey, children access resources which secure mathematical concepts through the use of a concrete – pictorial – abstract methods, including the use of ‘real world’ objects to create understanding of maths around us.
As they leave our small rural school our pupils will take with them the mathematical confidence and perseverance that will enable them to become successful adults in the wider world. Whether they choose an academic or vocational path.